Sunday, January 12, 2014

Flappers and Trousers

1920's Fashion

During the Roaring Twenties, fashion and glamour were true spectacles to the eye. Women wore beautiful and elegant outfits with priceless accessories as men looked dashing in their stylish suits. Fashion was remarkably different in the twenties, then what it is today. To go along with the glamorous lifestyle with the parties and booze, people needed to dress the part, and money surely was not a problem.
During this era, women's clothing drastically changed after the first world war. Losing the bustles and corsets, designers had more freedom to create spectacular designs, introducing "the flapper." These dresses were lighter and shorter than ever before. Designers were playful with the colors, textures and patterns of the dresses. Evening coats, dresses and jackets were more elegant and often trimmed with fur. Shoes and stockings needed to make a statement now that the dresses were shorter. Silk stockings were made in various amounts of colors to go along with the stylish outfits. 
Society had been going through many political and economic changes during the end of the war. Society decided to do the same with fashion. Men's clothing became sharper and more comfortable. Many admired the new three- piece suits that the twenties introduced. The unflattering trousers before the era were replaced by narrow, straight and cuffed trousers. The coats and jackets were influenced by the garments worn by the military force. Tuxedoes and bow ties took the place of long tail coats. The tuxedoes were usually black and designed with fine material. To top off the look, fedoras and bowler hats were introduced. These elements of fashion represented a dashing man of the 1920's.

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