Saturday, February 1, 2014

Miss Harper

"Pit Bull Puppy 'Miss Harper' Recovering After Leg, Ears Cut Off"

-The Huffington Post
by Sebastian Murdock
January 31, 2014

A pit bull puppy in New York was found abused and left for dead. She was discovered back in September because of an anonymous tip. She was found with her hind leg and both ears cut off. The event was described as the "butchering" of the helpless pup. The pit bull was named Miss Harper, by the Nassau County Society for the Prevention of Cr
uelty to Animals. Police are searching for at least one suspect for the vicious abuse of the five month old Miss Harper. Fortunately the SPCA states that they are close to making the arrest case for the person responsible for the atrocious act of violence.
While the police are moving forward with the case, the SPCA is trying to raise funds for Miss Harper's long road towards recovery. Doctor Kim Barlow from My Pet's Vet is in charge of the rehabilitation of the puppy. The surgeries include amputating the remaining of the butchered leg in order to restore balance in her walking. A prosthetic leg will take the place of the missing leg. Besides helping the pup fully recover, the SPCA is trying to find the perfect and loving home for the broken soul. No animal should ever feel abandoned and abused. The person responsible for the horrible actions taken against this helpless creature will get what they deserve in the end.

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